Who’s Afraid of Representation? é uma compilação
de auto-mutilações de artistas de body-art dos
anos 60 e 70, apresentadas no contexto dos conflitos violentos
da época e da guerra civil no Líbano. Mroué confronta
a luta cruel destes artistas pela exploração dos
limites da expressão individual com a verdadeira história
de Hassan Ma’moun que, num belo dia, pega numa kalashnikov
e mata os seus colegas de trabalho num escritório em Beirute.
Who’s Afraid of Representation? is
a compilation of the gruesome physical mutilations that Western
body-artist did to themselves in the sixties and seventies, set
against the background of violent events from recent history,
such as the civil war in Lebanon. Mroué juxtaposes the cruel struggle of these artists,
in search for the limits of individual expression, with the true
story of Hassan Ma’moun, who, one day, took a kalashnikov
to work and gunned down his colleagues in a nameless office in
Beirut. |